Hi, my name is Amir Reid. I am really looking forward to learning and interacting in this class. I'm a sophomore and my major is mathematics.
1- Understanding Patriarchy by Bell Hook
Quote 1. Patriarchy is a political-social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that dominance through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence.
Quote 2. These teachings were reinforced in every institution they encountered-schools, courthouses, clubs, sports arenas, as well as churches. Embracing patriarchal thinking, like everyone else around them, they taught it to their children because it seemed like a "natural" way to organize life.
How Memes Are Making Protest Art More Powerful.
Quote 1. As a byproduct of social media, memes and protest art act as a way to gauge a country’s political temperature.
Quote 2. Appropriating imagery allows the artist to gain control over the content of the image.
Memes Are Our Generation's Protest Art.
Quote 1. Simple to make and simpler to distribute, they can communicate a stance or message at a glance and express the same feelings experts say are behind conventional protest art.
Quote 2. At their core, all memes, regardless of their politics, are a tool for expression.
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