Hey Guys! My name is Kiara Holmes and I am a senior. I am a Psychology Major with a minor in Public Health. My interests are solely based on helping children and adults with mental and cognitive health issues navigate and excel through life while feeling like they belong. I am a very shy, introverted person, I don't speak much, but I'm always listening.
Understanding Patriarchy by Bell Hooks
"When my older brother and I were born with a year separating us in age, patriarchy determined how we would each be regarded by our parents." pg.18
This quote made me think about my brother and I who are 14 years apart. Growing up my brother and I were treated differently and when we would question it the answer would always be "Oh, because he's a boy or she's a girl." I also just went with it, but I never thought about it in terms of patriarchy.
"Patriarchy promotes insanity." pg.30
This quote made me think about how virtually insane patriarchy is. There is no truth in the structure of patriarchy. It reduces the ability of what men and women actually are, and it creates a challenge of agency for men and women.
How Memes Are Making Protest Art More Powerful by Lizzie Fison
"Photography's association with authenticity has long been congested."
When I read this quote I automatically thought about what it meant to me as someone who's always taking pictures as a form of memory keeping. I believe that photography provides a way of truthfulness in the context of authenticity. It creates a space for choosing the appropriate perspective while also creating a convincing visual touch.
"Appropriating imagery allows the artist to gain control over the content of the image."
This quote made me think about how appropriation in art provides an alternative way of expression for artists. It gives an artist an opportunity to take pre-existing art and give it its own meaning and touch.
Memes Are Our Generation's Protest Art by Sage Lazzaro
“You can express yourself with one picture of a meme better than a whole page of text,..”
When I read this quote I instantly chuckled because it made me think about myself and how I also think I know someone based on the memes they repost on social media. I believe that the memes you find amusing tell a lot about yourself, your beliefs, morals, and views.
“They can help bring attention to issues of injustices. They circulate in a way that keeps up with that social media flow of information.”
This quote made me think about how in this generation if you're trying to get a point across how useful it is to integrate a meme. Just as the quote above stated a meme will get looked at quicker than an article or essay will. Social media is the root of everything so now you have to go social media to grab people's attention.
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