Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Alejandro Intro

Introduction - Alejandro (Ale)

My name is Alejandro Juarez I was born in New York but moved and was raised in New Jersey. I want to major in Architect but NJCU doesn't have that so I hope to transfer to NJIT by next semester so that I can start my major. This class seems interesting and hope to learn a lot. 

This is my hobby, this is what I like to so in my free time. I like playing with my friends basketball cause it's competitive and fun.

Understanding Patriarchy - 
  • "As their daughter, I was taught that it was my role to serve, to be weak, to be free from the burden of thinking, to caretake and nurture others." 
I'm kinda surprised but at the same time I'm not because this is how it used to be back then the women would just stay home but I didn't know that they were forced to I feel that it's messed up that, thats how women were treated back then that that they were forced to nurture others and not be able to think and be considered weak.

  • "My brother was taught that it was his role to be served; to provide; to be strong; to think, strategize, and plan; and to refuse to caretake or nurture others."
This I kinda knew was how they treated men because they were "The head of the table" they were the "man" of the house which had to be aggressive, strong, smart. Like the "perfect" man type thing. But when it came to being at the house they were lazy and didn't feel like helping in any way. 

How Memes Are Making Protest Art More Powerful - 
  • "Recently, a meme generator was launched that provides an editable image of Trump holding up his <insert text here> executive orders, encouraging users to come up with their own text for Trump to show off."
This is actually kind of cool how their is an actual app that makes memes and can take any picture or video and make it a meme. And the crazy part is that anybody can do a meme like it's not that difficult to do. 
  • In recent internet history, politicians have set themselves up for ridicule but providing the perfect condition for their memeification."
It's funny how politicians still fall for these kind of stuff like they know they are gonna get made fun of even with the slightest mistake. But they still go for it and at the end get memeificated. 

Memes Are Out Generation's Protest Art - 
  • "Memes can spread far more quickly than the songs or art projects of previous generations."
I actually didn't know that this was true. Like the power of the memes are very strong especially if you're trying to give or send a message to someone. 
  • "The subjects of these activist memes, Jasper noted, are villains, and that's a key part of protest art in general - in identifying social problems, the genre needs villains. 
I honestly just find this funny nothing crazy and it's kinda true on how it say's that a story or genre always needs a villain.

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